VBA, of course, doesn't have a built in profiler. But it's really simple to roll your own, since fundamentally the only thing a profiler does is store the elapsed time between events in a data structure.
The simple implementation I made uses a static dictionary variable to store all its data. This is mostly for performance reasons: lookups in a dictionary are very fast. You don't want any part of the profiling code to run slowly, because that would greatly distort your results. You could also do this with a module-level variable, but I felt like having most of the implementation in a single function simplified the API and didn't sacrifice too much readability.
To use this profiler, add a call to Profile paFunctionEnter, "FunctionNameHere"
to the start of the functions and subs that you want to measure, and a call to Profile paFunctionExit
to all exit points. Since you have to mark the start and end points yourself, you will probably want to avoid adding profiling to trivial functions, which will just clutter up your output. You also might want to add profiling in the middle of a function; I've adopted the convention of prepending an ampersand to internal paFunctionEnter
s to distinguish them from actual functions in the output.
Enum ProfileAction paStart paEnd paFunctionEnter paFunctionExit paShowResults End Enum Enum ProfileFormat pfSelfTime = 0 pfTotalTime = 1 pfCallCount = 2 End Enum Public Function Profile(a As ProfileAction, ParamArray args()) Static sProf As Object Dim stack As String Dim elapsed As Single Dim calls As Variant If a <> paStart And sProf Is Nothing Then Exit Function If a = paStart Then Set sProf = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") stack = args(0) sProf("_stack") = stack sProf("_t") = Timer sProf("_calls:" & stack) = 1 Exit Function ElseIf a = paEnd Then Set sProf = Nothing Exit Function End If elapsed = Timer - sProf("_t") stack = sProf("_stack") Select Case a Case paFunctionEnter sProf(stack) = sProf(stack) + elapsed sProf("_stack") = stack & "/" & args(0) sProf("_parent:" & sProf("_stack")) = stack stack = sProf("_stack") calls = sProf("_calls:" & stack) If IsNull(calls) Then sProf("_calls:" & stack) = 1 Else sProf("_calls:" & stack) = calls + 1 End If Case paFunctionExit sProf(stack) = sProf(stack) + elapsed stack = sProf("_parent:" & stack) sProf("_stack") = stack Case paShowResults ProfileResults sProf, CLng(args(0)) End Select sProf("_t") = Timer End Function Private Sub ProfileResults(prof As Object, fmt As ProfileFormat) Dim k As Variant Dim k2 As Variant Dim fmt_label As String For Each k In prof.Keys If Left(k, 1) <> "_" Then prof("_self:" & k) = prof(k) prof("_total:" & k) = 0! For Each k2 In prof.Keys If Left(k2, Len(k)) = k Then prof("_total:" & k) = prof("_total:" & k) + prof(k2) End If Next End If Next fmt_label = Array("_self:", "_total:", "_calls:")(fmt) For Each k In prof.Keys If Left(k, Len(fmt_label)) = fmt_label Then Debug.Print Mid(k, Len(fmt_label) + 1) & ": " & prof(k) End If Next End Sub
Example usage:
' Add calls to Profile paFunctionEnter and Profile paFunctionExit ' to the functions and subs that you are measuring. Public Sub ProfilingExample() Dim x As Variant Profile paStart, "Test" x = SlowFunction(arg1, arg2, arg3) Profile paFunctionExit ' exit top level "Test" pseudofunction ' Profile paShowResults, pfCallCount ' Profile paShowResults, pfSelfTime Profile paShowResults, pfTotalTime Profile paEnd End Sub
Here's what the output looks like. Since I called paShowResults
with pfTotalTime
, the values are the total seconds spent in each function. You can also get the number of calls and the "self" time, which doesn't include the time spent in sub-calls that are also profiled.
Test: 1.382813 Test/Filtered: 1.382813 Test/Filtered/GetScratchWorksheet: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues: 1.179688 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/FirstRow: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/FirstCol: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange: 1.179688 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/FirstRow: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/FirstCol: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper: 1.179688 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea: 1.148438 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/LastCol: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/&RowCollision: 0.6015625 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/&RowCollision/LastCol: 0.234375 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/&RowCollision/LastRow: 0.2578125 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/LastRow: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/&ColumnCollision: 0.515625 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/&ColumnCollision/LastRow: 0.125 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/SqueezeRange/SqueezeRangeHelper/&ShiftArea/&ColumnCollision/LastCol: 0.203125 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/LastRow: 0 Test/Filtered/CopyValues/LastCol: 0
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